Friday, July 9, 2010

Arion Rogers Shoot

So one day I was sitting in english class,

and occasionally we would have notes from the office delivered to the class by TA's.
Thats when I saw Arion.

She was tall, she looked like she was black mixed with something. But she was incredibly beautiful!
I thought to myself, "Why don't I ever see her." She did go to my elementary school, but after that I never saw her again.

Turns out she is very quite at first. I had to give a mutual friend my card to have Arion text me so I can ask her if she wanted to do a photoshoot.

Well one thing led to another and it was the day of the photoshoot.

Of course Tiffany Abeyta had done all of the hair and make-up, and Niki Bhardwaj had styled the shoot.

It was a perfect combination to put together a phenomenal sequence of photographs.

Take a look,

of knowledge

the damn


Ironically she was also interested in pursuing modeling so everything was perfect.

This location was at a damn in Montebello,
and trust me it wasn't the best time for me considering the circumstances.

Lets just say during hair and make-up time I was eating a lot of salami and my body digests food incredibly fast. And we had to walk about half a mile across the damn to get to the specific location, and we were fighting for sunlight. I don't know if you understand yet what was going on with me, but lets just say I was in a pesty mood.

Overall it was successful and fun, despite the complication with my stomach.


Figures I would never actually keep up with this blog.

Last post was in March? and its July.

Well due to the fact I don't know how to upload pictures on my website, its rather out-of-date.
I need to figure that out, its such a pain to show professionals old work that do not represent me well.


Three photoshoots, I think have, past since the Twins.

The first was Sam Farrier's shoot. At the time I was under the impression that photographers can work for modeling agencies, so I inquired to shoot for one thinking that they would put me on a list and hire me. Thats not how it works.

Q Modeling Agency had responded and wanted to let me use one of their models for what is known as a Test Photoshoot. This is where photographers borrow a model from a modeling agency, usually the model is new, and does a free photoshoot for them. This enables the photographer and the model to the build their portfolio. Which I did not know at the time.

Anyway, I was planning the shoot with the representative via email. I was going to shoot one male and one female model from that agency.

So Sam Farrier was the first model. The location was in Pasadena, City Hall. I don't know if you have ever been there but it is beautiful, the architecture and the mood makes you feel like your in a different country.

I'm not a fan of male models just wearing underwear and having a nice body, so I thought suits & vests was adequate enough.

I gave him my glasses to work with and it actually turned out very well. He's pictures came out better when he was wearing the glasses as oppose to when he wasn't.

See for yourself.

the reflection shows

hidden behind the glass

This is him without sunglasses, which turned out pretty good as well.



problem was, when i sent it into the agency, they said,

"Hey Brandon, we are still going through them, but thank you for sending them. Also, for future reference we can’t use any images with sunglasses."

So that was pretty awesome.
All that and they can't even use it? blah.